Air Cooled Scroll Industrial Chillers For Plastics Company In Tanzania

Project requirements:

Need supply chilled water outlet temperature 7~12℃ for plastics injection machine.



Chilled water is essential for plastic and rubber production. It is used to cool everything from hydraulics to molds to furnaces, ensuring that equipment is cooled and parts are properly shaped and cured. Whether you have a need for central plant chillers, point of use units, or both, Eurostars industrial chiller has a plastic and rubber processing solution, including: Molds, Extruders, Hydraulic Units,Infrared Furnaces.


It can greatly improve the plastic surface finish of plastic products. Reduce the plastic products surface trace and internal stress, let product not shrinking, not deforming, it is good for plastic stripping,accelerate product styling. Highly improve the efficiency of the plastic forming:


Air cooled scroll industrial chiller

Model: ESSA-30IDTN

Quantity: 3 units

Cooling capacity: 80KW

Refrigerant: R407C

With inbuilt chilled pump, water tank

Remote control


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